
From the local to global scale, we value the communities in which we live and on which we depend. We are doing our best to make our business – and personal lives – as sustainable as we can. It’s a work in progress. Below are some of the steps we’re taking. Please help us – and feel free to make any suggestions for improvements.


We were thrilled to install a 6.05Kw solar array on our barn in the fall of 2014. The panels were made here in Oregon and we hope to increase our capacity in the future. It was surprisingly economical and we’d be happy to share our experience if you’re thinking of doing the same. All appliances, including our lightbulbs, are energy efficient. We want you to be safe and comfortable, but to the extent you are able, we encourage you to turn off lights, and turn down the heat and A/C, especially when you are gone.


It’s our goal to send as little waste as possible to the landfill, and we’re keeping track to see how we – and our guests – can do over time. We generally don’t use disposable items. We recycle glass, plastic, metal, paper, and cardboard. To help, please leave rinsed recyclables next to the garbage in your room.

We feed all of our edible food scraps to our flock of Barking Mad chickens. Organic materials that are not edible are composted on site.

Towels & Bedding

We encourage you to re-use your towels and linens throughout your stay with us. If you need replacements, let us know and we will refresh them. We use environmentally-friendly detergents and cleaning products.


You’ll likely hear about the food as we serve it to you, but we prioritize using local ingredients. We participate in a local CSA, and buy as much as we can from the local farmers market and other producers we know personally. For those things we just have to get from the grocery store, we buy organic, and ethically-raised ingredients to the extent they are available – which is most everything most of the time.

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